I am trying to add a new atom after every search atom in the list, my code is as below -
Code: Select all
(defun appendConst (OLD NEW L)
((null L) ())
((EQ (car L) OLD) (cons OLD (cons NEW (cdr L))))
(T (cons (car L) (appendConst OLD NEW (cdr L))))
Input: (appendConst 'a 'd '(a c e a m k))
Ouput: (A D C E A M K)
Required Output: (A D C E A D M K)
I tried calling the function recursively, but I can see that it doesn't work, as the no. of arguments are not properly being passed.
Code: Select all
(defun appendConst (OLD NEW L)
((null L) ())
((EQ (car L) OLD) (appendConst (cons OLD (cons NEW (cdr L)))) )
(T (cons (car L) (appendConst OLD NEW (cdr L))))