edit: no its not that I have tried 3 different approaches one to a binary ppm file one to an ascii ppm file and another ascii to console and they all give the same pic which is not correct .. I have edited the code it was pretty horrible so hopefully this makes more sense
any help appreciated ..
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;; aim to draw mandelbrot set using guile 2.2.2 on a raspberry pi 3 and using
;; http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppm.html as source alternatively draw to repl
(use-modules (ice-9 binary-ports))
(use-modules (ice-9 format))
(define x 80)
(define y 50)
(define top-left-x (- 2.2))
(define top-left-y 1.0)
(define size-x 3.2)
(define size-y 2.0)
(define step-x (/ size-x x))
(define step-y (- (/ size-y y)))
(define escape 2.0)
(define maximum 128)
(define file-1 "foo.ppm") ;; using P6 format so binary file with ascii header
(define file-2 "bar.ppm") ;; using P3 format so asci file bigger file for same size pic
(define (sq n)(* n n))
(define create-one-line ;; (create-one-line top-left-x step-x top-left-x 1 80)
(lambda (value step start c end)
(if (>= c end)
(cons value '())
(cons value (create-one-line (+ value step) step start (+ c 1) end)))))
(define create-one-line-x (create-one-line top-left-x step-x top-left-x 1 x))
(define (make-complex a b)
(make-rectangular a b))
(define (inside? n)
(< (magnitude n) escape))
(define check?
(lambda (n)
((hf (lambda (c n)
(if (and (< c maximum)(inside? n))
(hf (+ c 1)(+ (sq n) n))
(hf 0 n))))
(define create-one-line-x-and-y ;; (create-one-line-x-and-y y-value create-one-line-x)
(lambda (y-value lst)
(if (null? (cdr lst))
(cons (make-complex (car lst) y-value)'())
(cons (make-complex (car lst) y-value)
(create-one-line-x-and-y y-value (cdr lst))))))
(define lst
(lambda (c y-value step end)
(if (>= c end)
(create-one-line-x-and-y y-value create-one-line-x)
(append (create-one-line-x-and-y y-value create-one-line-x)
(lst (+ c 1)(+ y-value step) step end)))))
(define baz ;; use this procedure to produce pic in console
(lambda (n)
(if (= (check? n) maximum)
(define foo ;; (foo (open-output-file file-1)) ;; can do this better but works for now
(lambda (port)
(display "P6" port)(newline port)
(display x port)(newline port)
(display y port)(newline port)
(display maximum port)(newline port)
((hf (lambda (ls)
(if (null? (cdr ls))
(put-u8 port (check? (car ls)))
(put-u8 port (check? (car ls)))
(put-u8 port (check? (car ls)))
(close-port port))
(put-u8 port (check? (car ls)))
(put-u8 port (check? (car ls)))
(put-u8 port (check? (car ls)))
(hf (cdr ls)))))))
(hf (lst 1 1.0 step-y y))))))
(define bar ;; should be (bar-2 (open-output-file file-2))
(lambda (port)
(display "P3" port)(newline port)
(display x port)(newline port)
(display y port)(newline port)
(display maximum port)(newline port)
((hf (lambda (ls)
(if (null? (cdr ls))
(display (check? (car ls)) port)(format port "~_") ;; make this better
(display (check? (car ls)) port)(format port "~_")
(display (check? (car ls)) port)(format port "~_")
(close-port port))
(display (check? (car ls)) port)(format port "~_")
(display (check? (car ls)) port)(format port "~_")
(display (check? (car ls)) port)(format port "~_")
(newline port)
(hf (cdr ls)))))))
(hf (lst 1 1.0 step-y y))))))
((lambda () ;; write to console will produce pic straight away if this file loaded into repl
((hf (lambda (lst c)
((zero? (modulo c x))
((null? (cdr lst))(display (baz (car lst))))
(else ((lambda ()
(display (baz (car lst))
(hf (cdr lst)(+ c 1))))))))
((null? (cdr lst))(display (baz (car lst))))
((lambda ()
(display (baz (car lst)))
(hf (cdr lst)(+ c 1)))))))))
(hf (lst 1 1.0 step-y y) 1))))