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list and string

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:41 am
by phdenis40
Hello all,

I thought naively that the following code will allow me to print each element of a list and not display the nil element at the end.
Is it normal ?

Code: Select all

(setq mylst '(chat chien oiseau lapin))

(loop for n from 0 to (- (length mylst) 1)
 do (print (nth n mylst)))
Do I have to add a condition to check that the nth n mylst is not nill like

Code: Select all

(null (nth n mylst))
My main idea is to convert each element as a sub-string like "chat chien oiseau lapin".

Thanks by advance for your help.

Re: list and string

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:24 am
by Goheeca
That nil is the value of the loop expression. And better way to print list this was is via format function.

Code: Select all

(format t "~{~a~^ ~}" mylst)

Re: list and string

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:06 am
by pjstirling

Code: Select all

(dolist (el mylst)
  (print el))
Friends don't let friends do LOOP!

Re: list and string

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 10:43 am
by phdenis40
Thanks for the answer but both solution displayed a NIL line.
I don't want the NIL line

Code: Select all

Break 4 [6]> (setq mylst '(chat chien oiseau lapin))
Break 4 [6]> (dolist (el mylst)
(print el))

Break 4 [6]> (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" mylst)
Break 4 [6]> (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" mylst)

Re: list and string

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 11:15 am
by Goheeca
As I said the NIL is an evaluated value of the expression you've entered into REPL (the interactive mode you are woking with). That's how the REPL works:
  • prompts you with a prompt line.
  • you enter an expression.
  • prints whatever you write into the output stream (through print/write functions).
  • prints a value of your expression
  • and loops
If you write your program to a script file and run the interpreter in a script mode (e.g. for the SBCL implementation you have a --script switch at disposal) then you only see what you printed (without your NIL values).
If you are using interactive mode you have some options.
  • Use more modular approach and let the functions return produced values instead of printing them, but the strings will be quoted by #\" characters (as it's standard way of doing it).
  • The another possibility is use values like this:

    Code: Select all

    (progn (... your code ...) (values))
    The code does the thing that it doesn't return any value, but (I think) it's up to an implementation how it will be represented in REPL. Yeah in SBCL it really is no output, but it doesn't have to be everywhere. Moreover this piece of code is only bloating your code.
I recommend don't be bothered by the NILs at the end, because:
  • you, as a programmer using REPL, know what that NIL means.
  • you, as user, will be using program where the NILs won't be present.
Finally take a look this SLIME session:

Printed content and values of expressions are clearly distinguished by color, further, as you can see, no value in SLIME is indicated by the line

Code: Select all

; no value
and not just nothing.

Re: list and string

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 4:40 am
by phdenis40

In my code, I've a stack overflow problem. Thus, I'm wondering if it exists some debuggers for Windows or Linux?
I've a computer with cygwin under Windows or Ubuntu OS.

Thanks by advance for your help.

Re: list and string

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 12:21 pm
by pjstirling
All common-lisp implementations have a debugger built-in, which implementation are you using?

Re: list and string

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 2:18 pm
by phdenis40
clisp on cygwin

Re: list and string

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 4:08 pm
by pjstirling
Hmm, I see what you mean:

Code: Select all

[3]> (defun tato () (tato))

[4]> (tato)

*** - Program stack overflow. RESET
Clisp does have a debugger, but for program stack overflow it doesn't use it, and just resets.

Infinite recursion is a sticky case, in general, for programs to recover from.

The stack...
  1. contains all of the local variables for each function in the current thread of execution.
  2. is allocated when a thread is created, with a particular size,
  3. cannot be re-sized at run-time, because heap memory might have been allocated next to the stack,
  4. cannot be re-located either, because you would need to re-write any pointers to stack locations (which is impossible to do correctly).
The result of this is that when you run out of stack you can't invoke any functions that need local variables (because that would push you even further into danger territory). Some systems keep a chunk of memory aside (in the heap) to store the temporary variables it might need in the event of such a problem, but clisp, apparently, doesn't do that.

Depending on your code you may be able to track the infinite recursion by using TRACE on your suspect function, alternatively you can use one of the clisp methods for starting with an increased stack size (if you don't have infinite recursion, just very deep function calls).

Re: list and string

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 11:54 pm
by phdenis40
I sent you a private message linked to this stack overflow problem.

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(defun MyComp (MyInp MyList)
    ((and (not MyInp) (not MyList)))
    ((not MyList) nil)
    ((eq (car MyList) '*) 
        (MyComp MyInp (cdr MyList)) 
        (MyComp (cdr MyInp) MyList)
    ((not MyInp) nil)
    ((eq (char (string (car MyInp)) 0) '#\?)
        (> (length (car MyInp)) 1) 
        (put 'Variables (MyFirst (car MyList)) (car (MyInp)))
      (MyComp (cdr MyInp) (cdr MyList)) )

    ((eql (car MyInp) (car MyList)) (MyComp (cdr MyInp) (cdr MyList))) 

;; Normally, its the first atom without the 1st caracter
(defun MyFirst (MySubList)
  (print MySubList)
with MyFirst is a function which returns the 1st element without the 1st caracter.