[Announce] Java-Version of PicoLisp

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[Announce] Java-Version of PicoLisp

Post by abu » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:06 am

The PicoLisp distribution now also contains a plain Java version.

It is called "Ersatz PicoLisp", because can run in environments where
standard PicoLisp is not available, and because it lacks some of its
features (see http://software-lab.de/ersatz/README).

Still, it implements the full PicoLisp language. It can communicate with
existing Java classes, and allows to inline Java code. For examples, see


With that, the PicoLisp distribution (http://software-lab.de/picoLisp.tgz) now
contains three different versions:

1. The 64-bit version (x86-64/Linux, assembly),
2. the 32-bit version (POSIX-C)
3. and ErsatzLisp (Java)

("Mini PicoLisp" is in a separate tarball)

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Re: [Announce] Java-Version of PicoLisp

Post by toompaxy » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:31 am

What should I do to be able to compile java in command prompt? For command prompt to be able to compile java, we need jdk, right? But after i installed jdk, the command prompt still can't recognize the java compiler command.

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Location: Augsburg, Germany

Re: [Announce] Java-Version of PicoLisp

Post by abu » Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:40 am

> For command prompt to be able to compile java, we need jdk, right?

> But after i installed jdk, the command prompt still can't recognize the java compiler command.
What is the exact error message you get?

Perhaps this post in the mailing list http://www.mail-archive.com/picolisp@so ... 02963.html helps?

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