I've got an interesting problem. The user enters a minimum value, which I represent as a 64bit signed number. But I want to store it as a 64 bit unsigned number relative to the lowest possible value that a 64bit signed can represent. Heres what I mean demonstrated with 3 bit numbers
Code: Select all
;; 000 = 0 --- goal --> 4 100
;; 001 = 1 5 101
;; 010 = 2 6 110
;; 011 = 3 7 111
;; 100 = -4 0 000
;; 101 = -3 1 001
;; 110 = -2 2 010
;; 111 = -1 3 011
;; Thus
;; 000 -> 100
;; 001 -> 101
;; 010 -> 110
;; 011 -> 111
;; 100 -> 000
;; 101 -> 001
;; 110 -> 010
;; 111 -> 011
So far, I've written this:
Code: Select all
(defconstant +smallest-64s+ (the (signed-byte 64) #x8000000000000000))
(defun 64s->_64us (64s)
Basically, what I'm asking is how can I get Lisp out of the way so I can do precisely what I want with raw bits? And when I'm done, how can I tell Lisp that the answer was unsigned?
I'm using SBCL. Thanks for your help!