I am trying to write a simple scheme interpreter
where can I find the coercion rules for algebraic/arithmetic operations ?
a silly example of why I am asking the question
Code: Select all
( + 0 0.01 )
( + 0 0.001 )
( + 0 0.0001 )
( + 0 0.00001 )
( + 1 0.01 )
( + 1 0.001 )
( + 1 0.0001 )
( + 1 0.00001 )
Code: Select all
> 0.01
> 0.001
> 1e-4
> 1e-5
> 1.01
> 1.001
> 1.0001
> 1.00001
or the coercion is only an implementation detail ?
the above from chez scheme 9.5
even if with different magnitudes something similar happens at
BiwaScheme Interpreter version 0.6.4
( + 0 0.000001) ==> 0.000001
( + 0 0.0000001) ==> 1e-7