I need to edit to that lisp code for extracting texts values itself with their coordinates;
because that lisp extracts only the coordinates (E,N) of positions of texts without texts ...
Code: Select all
(defun c:pall()
(setq fa (getstring "nFile Name : > "))
(setq fff (open fa "a"))
(prompt "nSelect Points = ")
(setq group (ssget ))
(setq ssl (sslength group))
(setq count 0)
(while (< count ssl)
(setq snam (ssname group count))
(setq xcx (entget snam))
(setq xp (cadr vvv1))
(setq yp (caddr vvv1))
(setq zp (cadddr vvv1))
(setq sss (strcat (rtos xp 2 3) "," (rtos yp 2 3) "," (rtos zp 2 3)))
(write-line sss fff)
(setq count (1+ count))
(close fff)