LISP for the Parallella

Discussion of other Lisp dialects (Arc, Clojure, AutoLisp, XLISP, etc.)
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LISP for the Parallella

Post by drewvid » Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:57 am

My interest in parallel computing and LISP led me to start developing a small LISP interpreter for the Parallella board because there are not any existing suitable open source alternatives. The work is still in progress but the basics are there. This is the first interpreter I've written from scratch so I'm eager to receive some feedback. Therefore, If anyone has the time to take a look then that would be great.

I'm slowly developing the code and starting to add the programming constructs necessary to implement a distributed LISP interpreter. At some stage I plan to add garbage collection but at present I'm running out of space on the board.

Here is the link to the github repository:

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